Friday, April 5, 2013

Salted Caramel Coconut Macaroons

Well this is new, I made macaroons... not macarons! Over the past week, I've been noticing a lot of macaroons on sale at the store, I guess it's a great Passover treat. I kind of craved it... just kind of. I also was testing my senses. I was trying to bring my sense of taste back to life... due to my sickness... sadly, it didn't happen. Even though I had a very reduced version of taste, these still were absolutely wonderful. I ended up eating the entire batch myself... I don't feel comfortable sharing foods when I'm sick... well that's my excuse. I think I just secretly loved them a little too much (or made too little.) These were supposed to be a spin off of the Girl Scouts Samoa cookies. I've only had one of those, they were good, not great.... I still don't see why there is such a big deal about those cookies... I mean the fundraising idea is great, but the cookies... they're alright. So here's my take on those cookies. I didn't feel like dipping the bottoms with chocolate, that's one thing that I can't taste at all... so I didn't bother. I wish I could taste the chocolate... the only thing that is kind of pronounced is the salted part... maybe I oversalted it, I don't know, I guess I'll have to try this recipe again when I'm feeling "normal."


I followed it exactly, only the chocolate part.. didn't exactly dip them in chocolate. I even added coconut oil to the chocolate, I may have added a bit too much since they never ended up setting up... but that could also be due to my apartment being ridiculously hot and humid... I like how the chocolate drizzled though. I melted chocolate in a ziploc bag until almost melted, added the oil and pressed it around, and then continued melting it.. and cut the smallest hole I could in the corner and drizzled it out.

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