Saturday, January 16, 2010

...and now I've taken a break....

I have been consumed with work (of all sorts) lately and feel like I have no time or energy to whip up anything anymore. I'm going to take it easy for the next month or so to get things prioritized and completed. It's going to be one of the most important month of my life, so I figured I should devote 100% to it. I'll still be cooking, probably baking, but nothing really extraordinary. I hope to make pretty things for the prettiest of all holidays... aka Valentine's Day : ) Things I have in mind: cake pops (is it possible to get them to be heart shaped?) maybe I'll write that word LOVE in cursive over it.... I really really like that look of the cursive love that trails off a cake or cookie. I always bake a lot during Valentine's day, even if I didn't have one. I think it's just a cute holiday to bake for. I would love to drown a cake in a shiny coat of chocolate ganache, and have the inside be red velvet.... hm what else.. I'm rambling again. haha, I'll think of something.

I made another cupcake out of the Cupcakes book by Martha Stewart because I never really gave that book an honest effort. I loved the red velvet recipe and it will forever be in my collection, but her chai tea cupcakes were HORRIBLE!!.. so horrible that I threw them in the trash. I tried to make roasted banana cupcakes.... failed again. It was tasteless and had a strange texture. Her recipes are so complicated. Maybe I'm just not used to complicated recipes for baking.... hm... I guess. But anyway, that was a recipe flop, and I don't want to have to go out and buy all the ingredients just to make her stuff. : ( I always give all my cookbooks a good try before it's shelved away forever. Martha's book is close to being permanently shelved. I hope to find a good recipe sometime soon. One pro is that it does inspire me to take clean pictures.... yay? Anyway. That's what is going on with my life. I used to check this blog a lot each day.. but haven't even checked it in 2 days! ... a record for me haha. I will be back... maybe just as much... or maybe a little less. I think once work really starts life will fall back into a nice routine, but I have a bigger thing to worry about, which at the moment is consuming my every thought. I am more scared than excited...but I should be more excited than scared.... Oh well, time to figure out how to do that! Goodbye for a few days.... I'll leave you with a picture of a process of my latest creation.

Roasted Banana <- This, did not have any "roasted" taste... it just tasted like it was warm and ripe. My recipe for banana bread is 100 times better than her recipe. the banana flavor is more pronounced, it gets better with time, and it only takes 1 bowl and 15 minutes to mix up!

Roasted bananas - Roasted in a 400 degrees oven for 15 minutes. Looks delish rite?... :-/
The recipe stated to roast the bananas, wait for them to cool, peel, sift all the dry ingredients, separate the egg yolks from the whites, add dry to butter mixture in 3 additions, alternating with sour cream, whip up the egg whites to soft peaks, fold in 1/3 of it... then fold in the rest... AHHH if you love to follow like 15 steps to make cupcakes then go for it.. haha, I like to keep things simple... as in 1 bowl (ideal) or 2 bowls (max!)

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