Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dr. Skinnyminhy D.D.S. (Coming Soon)

- They even gave me chocolate at the end of the interview... ahh.. they already knew me so well .. but of course I saved it.... I wanted a souvenir... : )

Every little girl has a dream.... mine was to become a dentist. Yes, seriously. I mean that dream was even published in my 5th grade yearbook. Ever since then, I always had a goal. There wasn't really a doubt. I never really wanted to be anything else...well maybe a pastry chef.. but that was only after I applied to dental school (and see hundreds of commercials on TV advertising Culinary School.) I made this blog as a way to cope with the stress of taking the DAT's.... which lead to the stress of applying...and then... waiting.. waiting.. waiting.. oh, you get the idea... and with all that waiting.. (5.5 months worth..) I finally got the news that I dreamed about for so long. I was accepted!!! 5 years ago I made the decision to go to UCLA... which also meant I decided to forgo my acceptance to UOP for an accelerated pre-dental program. I would have almost been done with dental school by now, but I try not to regret that decision. I wouldn't trade my experiences at UCLA for anything. It was absolutely amazing. I am still so in love with that school, and will always be in love. I'm excited to move to SF as well, it has become my second home, already. I go there so often... anywhere from 2-4 times a month... and have now freed myself from the touristy areas and explored so many areas that make SF an amazing city. I know I will fall in love with it. I've always considered myself an unlucky person, for many reasons, maybe my luck has finally changed. As weird as this may sound.... I kind of feel like a basketball player... who's not known for clutch shots.. the clock is winding down... I have one shot to take, take it, make it, and win the game. Amazing. That's where I stand right now. I'm in disbelief, that this.. is finally happening to me.
So yes, my blog will still by up and running, hopefully I will have time to update once in awhile during school. School starts in 5 months, and I will get my D.D.S. in 3 years 4 months. I'm so thankful that this "year off" wasn't really wasted.. and I didn't end up in a dental school in the frigid East Coast ('s too far away and cold there!!.) I learned so much about who I am, and finally relaxed.. not to mention..developed my cooking, baking, and photography skills. I'm going to take it easy (easier) for the rest of the way til July. I will continue tutoring for 3 days, and sleep for the remaining 4.

You know what this also means?
I get a KitchenAid mixer. Hope my new kitchen will have space for that beauty... now what color would I like... black... hm... I actually really like red for some weird reason.. it's just so..... beautiful......

Do you believe that.... you are more motivated when you have goals.
- My goal as a baker was to learn how to make professional looking desserts. With my SLR in hand, this blog, and an empty kitchen after 8pm, I baked and cooked, and baked until I've mastered a dish... I think this goal is basically accomplished... but it definitely won't stop there. I still want to learn how to cook French and Italian dishes!
- My goal for this site was to attract 100 visitors in one day..... I attracted 370 visitors yesterday... previous high was 40. Wow. It's just amazing to know that people actually view my site all over the world. I am truly touched. This was a blog basically meant for me to remember my life in the kitchen, that was to be shared with my friends and family. I love that my work is getting out there, and hope that people are enjoying it as well!
- My goal as a HS student was to get into college.. my goal as a college student was to get into dental school... here I am... somewhat speechless... and not really ready to embark on probably the most difficult 3 years of my life.

Current goals (I've been there.. but didn't do that..) :
- Hike Half Dome by the end of the year (maybe these SF hills will kick me into shape)
- Eat a Laduree Macaron in Paris... (this may not be accomplished for a long time.. but I can start dreaming again right?)

J'adore Paris.. I was so happy (and tan haha) there .. Wish I could go back.. just to EAT.. I have a new appreciation for French cuisine!

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