Sunday, February 19, 2012

Salted Caramel Sauce.... or.. um... Hard Candies?

In attempts to not get work done... I played around with more recipes yesterday. I seriously had all my articles laid out in front of me... but found myself looking at food gawker for inspiration again... inspiration to not do my paper. Darn. Salted Caramel. Is it a new thing to add salt to all really sweet things?.. like salted caramel... salted chocolates... salt on cookies... I didn't think we needed more salt in our diet... but that seems to be the trend... and it's not just any salt.. they're like sea salt.. salt from blah... fleur de sel...grey salts.. pink salts... super fancy salts...   I went a long with it. I love salt.... Anyway. This caramel sauce was easy to make... but the problem was... once it reached room temperature it turned hard. :(.. and when it hit the ice cream.. it was a nice solid mass of caramel! I wanted a more flow-y sauce.... I wondered what happened... maybe I needed more cream. Oh well. I had fun licking the spoon when it was still warm... and I managed to throw away half of the batch... because I didn't want to tempt myself to break my teeth. I microwaved the pieces that I did save, and they were delicious after just 10 seconds of warming... this kind of makes me regret throwing so much of it away... Cleaning this was a chore as well.. but then I found out that if I left warm water in the pot long enough everything dissolves! I'm not going to post the recipe. The sauce was a lil grainy.... and I used pink himilayan salt that I bought from Market Spice in Seattle. It didn't melt well so I fished out the grains and sprinkled in some sea salt.  I think I've written half as many words needed on my paper on this blog this weekend... if only writing about mouthwashes and cancer gave me this much excitement .... ok really now. No more cooking until half of my paper is at least... drafted.

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