Sunday, July 29, 2012


Don't ask me how you would pronounce that...Well, I was in search for new recipes. I was almost going to make popovers, since I had the pan, but I settled on this thing. Cheese puffs, is what it translates to. My gorgonzola cheese was about to expire so I decided to make a savory pastry. This was very similar to my regular puff pastry recipe, with the addition of cheese. I called that recipe, "muscle cake" ... I'm finding innovative ways of working out like walking around the neighborhood in 4.5 inch heels, and ... um... this is another one... if anyone has ever tried, making cream puffs without a mixer is tiring! (I don't quite trust my KA mixer yet) I gave my right arm quite the work out, and I'm sure my left arm is jealous, but I'm still calling that hand disabled for the time being.  I tried to pipe it so it was more .. well.. pretty.. but in the end, I'm pretty sure it messed up the rising, I didn't overlap enough dough creating voids in the rising process. Next time I will continue with the cookie scoop technique that is definitely tried and true. I don't know if there will be a next time... but anyway, I baked. I scratched that baking itch. Finally.

These were cute, a great appetizer, and so addicting! I've had 8 of them within the past 15 minutes. They're just a bit bland with the hollow center.. I just don't know. I don't think I'm spending good time researching the best recipes. It's not like the recipes failed, I think the flavors are just lacking. Like yesterday, I made the Waldorf Astoria Red Velvet Cake, it was fine as a cake... red velvet? not at all. I think I've given up on red velvets. I'm going to give it one more go, and this time, I will buy buttermilk, instead of making my own with milk and vinegar.

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