Friday, August 23, 2013

Transitioning to the Real World + Open Face Quinoa Burger

I'll be honest, in the past few weeks, I haven't really been myself... I'm not sure if it was the aftermath of the Asia trip, or that my life now is totally different than life in SF. I am no longer in school. I am joining what I call the "real world" now...aka the workforce. I've looked back on this blog and read every entry I've posted in the past year and have become quite emotional. My cooking life is seemingly dead. I haven't turned on an oven in well over 2 months. My low point came yesterday when I went to Trader Joe's and grabbed all my favorite frozen foods... aka almost instant meals... because I just didn't want to make things anymore. I seriously have ALL the time in the world right now... why would I even gravitate towards those packages? What is it about sharing a kitchen with my mom that makes me not want to be something that is such a big part of my life...? I miss cooking. I miss it so badly. I am not me these days because I am not doing the things that I'm most passionate about. Both my passions are on strange holds right now... I didn't think it would be so difficult to deal with but somehow.. it really has affected me. I don't cook.. I don't do dentistry... I actually haven't done those things in months...I just feel unfulfilled....

Food was the reason that got me out of bed early most days. I miss those mornings where I would bake muffins for breakfast before a long appointment in clinic, cook a hearty meal during my lunch break, or make recipes I've been saving up during the week for my "Sunday morning tradition."Why do those days seem so long ago?.. it's only been a few months.... No one truly understood how much I found comfort in cooking everyday. I did it in secrecy for the most part.. it was something that challenged me, it was something I wanted to develop and grow from, it was something I did for myself.. with the intention of saving up this skill for my future family..  I know food is meant to be shared, and I've done quite a lot of that...but some how.. so much more of my foods are just for my stomach only... I'm a crazy perfectionist when it comes to those things... and most things... it has to be amazing... it has to be just as good or better than restaurants... that's how I justified spending so much time perfecting recipes... my goal was to make a dish that I'd want to stay in to eat rather than going out... and that's saying a lot since I was living in the heart of SF... and living off my wonderful student loans... but now... there are no more loans... it's just debt... and work... I really wonder how my cooking life will be affected...

I decided to go somewhat healthy for the rest of summer as I am barely active, and refuse to join the gyms around my house... (what is with those cancellation policies?!)  I've lost a few pounds in the last few months and that was quite surprising for... vacationing...and also living at home... I have no idea what happened... but I'll try not to lose any more... I just have a fear that working out would drop me to the underweight category.... and trust me.. I do eat... my mom forces every meal on me... and multiple snacks throughout the day... I think my body is just being nice to me for now...

The first thing I've chosen to make... is a quinoa burger... I still haven't been a true lover of quinoa yet.. but it's definitely growing on me since I seem to fall for all those health crazes... quinoa reminds me of bird seed... it's just small round.. and yellow.. so for a long time I thought it was.. and found that a bit odd....but then it started popping up everywhere.... so I decided to give it a try... I searched the top recipe for quinoa in foodgawker... and found this one : .. it was amazing. it reminded me of eating McDonald's hash browns... I have no idea why.. but that was the first thing that came to mind... this is a recipe I'll be sure to keep handy for those days vegetarian days my life ... This recipe was decently quick, and if you make a lot, they hold up well in the fridge for a few days and also frozen too ( after you fry them.) I've adapted this to taste, it's essentially the same recipe, but I used zucchini instead of carrots because they're easier to grate than carrots :) I made 1/3 of this recipe and that was enough for dinner and a light snack the next day for one... I served it on some sourdough bread, with ketchup, I think it would have been fine on its own, but I was trying to make it more of a sandwich... than a burger patty.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.. I love beef.. I love burgers... I was even wearing my "Where's the beef" shirt while making this...yes.. I own one of those shirts.. courtesy of Wendy's... but these patties were great.. I didn't miss the meat...the only problem .. I wasn't too full after eating them.... so I guess this counts more as an appetizer than an entree for me... I may try to make it into a real burger next time and double up on the patty, add a slice of cheese, tomatoes, and onions on top just to make it a bit more hearty... I just know that I get super hungry whenever I work... so I need something that can get me through my long days

Quinoa Patties
Makes 5 patties

2/3 (rounded) cup cooked quinoa
1 egg
1.5 tbsp Greek yogurt (I used Fage 0%)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese (I used white)
1/3 cup grated zucchini ( largest hole on box grater, squeeze water out)
1 sprig green onions- chopped
1 tbsp all purpose flour
1/4 tsp ground cumin
pinch of white sugar
2 shakes of garlic salt
Salt and pepper


Mix everything in a large bowl, season to taste.

Heat pan on medium with oil ( 1/2 tbsp,) when hot, drop batter in by ~ 1/4 cup size, flatten slightly with a spatula, reduce to medium low, fry for around 4 minutes each side (or until brown).. resist the urge to flip it early or it will break apart! 

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