Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Fall! Roasted Red Bell Pepper and Tomato Basil Soup with Zucchini Noodles

Thank goodness Summer is over. I never thought I'd say that.... but alas it's Fall.... and I might be way too excited to be breaking out my boots and jackets once again. One thing I miss about San Francisco is .. strangely, the weather. We didn't get many hot days, most days were mild, and I could wear basicaly the same thing year round. Living in a place that actually has seasons (well.. I think they're seasons..) is kind of odd. I do have to transform my wardrobe every season... good bye shorts and tanks... hello jeans and sweaters!

I'm off on a vacation again this weekend so I'm trying to eat a bit healthier this week to make up with it. Fall is one of my favorite seasons.. probably because it includes Halloween...some days during the past summer it was just too hot to eat or think about firing up the stove... Fall is when I get deep into my stews and soups... I found this recipe while searching "basil..." since my bunch was wilting.. this looked so tasty and wonderful but problem was.. the only thing I seemed to have... was basil!... I went to the grocery store, picked up 2 tomatoes, 1 red bell pepper (thought that'd be a nice added flavor/texture) and 2 zucchini... (and a 4 ct. of Hawaiian bread :) ) such a simple list! I came home and got to work/ made a mess.

*Zucchini noodles were made with just a vegetable peeler*

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