Friday, September 25, 2009


There isn't really a reason to cook anymore these days... food for me is just made and left there, or essentially made to order. That's how life was for 18 years. Now after 4 years of college, nothing has changed. The recipes are stagnant, the pantry, stocked with basically the same items. Living at home has ultimately made me lazy. Time for me to making something wonderful, but I don't think I can, there are simply too many cooks in the kitchen, I mean, two. Life has been standing still for me every since I got back. I've hung out with almost every one of my friends in norcal (ahem delaura : P ), gone to places that I've missed for so long, and caught up with my sleep (finally!), everyday is a routine almost. I've only been back for a week and a half, and well, a part of me misses the freedom already. I can't have that freedom though. I need to be disciplined. I need to finish my secondaries. I won't blog for awhile until I finish them. It was a nice emotional and expressive outlet for me, but I think I need to do something that is more fulfilling. Since I don't really have cooking to resort to for that comfort, I'm kind of forced to find something new to do. I haven't figured out what that is now... I'll be back soon though, maybe starting in Oct. Once I finished my sis's birthday cake, I will post pictures. I won't give her the cake until it is absolutely perfect, it will be fondant, and it will be "simple" just as she requested... now.. onto the cake/ filling.. hm.. this will be a beautiful cake, hopefully. No one truly understand how wonderful my sister is to me, and how lucky I am to have her as a sister. Happy (early) Birthday Heffy... my gift to you will hopefully be ... no delays at the airport and good weather... because I'm always that unlucky when I travel...sigh, many people have told me, I'm an unlucky person, I tend to believe them... but... we'll save that for another post : )

What I really miss is actually my old life, the life where I just did whatever, and didn't really care. Where I'd actually feel safe walking around alone at midnight to get a snack, and driving to Ralphs at 2 in the morning. Ah, those were the days.... I'm still madly in love with the college lifestyle...

One of my new favorite places in LA... Zankou's Chicken!!!! Chicken Tarna Wrap ... omg... why did it take me SO long to discover this type of food.... I want a Zankou's Chicken up here : ( Now I'm forced to find foods like this here... sadly... I have to travel more than a mile for that, maybe even 20. Welcome to.... P-World ...p-world p-p-p-p-P-world.

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