Friday, September 4, 2009

They Say....

The quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach....

I believe in that saying, that's how our relationship started and evolved. This was similar to the meal or at that time "snack" I made him the first time we had our first "date" ...almost 2 years ago....I didn't let him take me out to dinner so I cooked.... We're a simple couple, and what we eat is pretty simple as well, but that doesn't mean it has to be tasteless. Most of my "intricate" dishes aka... the things not found in a Chinese/ Vietnamese restaurant... never reach his stomach... those are mainly reserved for me, one day I'll train him to eat fancy ... and enjoy things like mushrooms and cream puffs... haha until then.. this will do.

This was our lunch today : ) and so were the cookies... in the next post ... we have really small stomachs.. although his is probably smaller than mine.

Rice Paper Wrapped Nem Nuong and Rice Noodles

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