Sunday, October 18, 2009

What I really want to do is... inspire....

Today I taught my sister how to make fondant, and how to decorate with it. She bought me a book a few days ago at BN called Planet Cake. Although that book has difficult to follow instructions, I found a lot of inspiring cake designs that I'd like to try. Since she had the day off, well one of sooo many..... we decided to wake up early... not really.. and bake to give to friends we were going to meet up with at night. I found this awesome recipe for pumpkin cupcakes on ( I'm going to buy her cupcakes book soon! :D.) I find it a fitting flavor for this time of the year. We also decided to make an orange fondant background, with a green bow. (The orange turned out fleshy colored ( it was a mixture of Wilton's copper, red, and golden yellow) and the green turned out kind of teal/ neon... ( Wilton's kelly green) ) I watched my sister make the fondant, and didn't help her mix at all. Yay for clean hands :)! She did a good job, I must say, being her first time, or maybe she had a good teacher! I kid. I wasn't this good at fondant my first time around, or even now. This was my first attempt at cupcakes. I say they were absolutely cute. A difficulty that we ran into was the cracking, I think there was a tad too much sugar... other than that, the fondant was pliable, plastic feeling, and super smoooth. Now that all the cupcakes are gone.... we've decided to keep the recipe and make another batch tomorrow for the family, probably reducing the sugar to 1/3 of the original.. ( we did 1/2 of the original.. and it was still too sweet.. even for me!) These pumpkin cupcakes were THAT good... : )

- fillherup!

-Buttery soft and moist

- The easy part.. the stripe ... clean and simple..

- The harder part... the bow ( major cracking)/ breakage...

- The hardest part was the orange center.... they were supposed to be green.. we tried to fill that void with many different things... sprinkles, candy, and maybe even frosting... but we attempted the orange centers one last time... with some success!

- voila! 4 hours of work later.. (wonderful way to kill time while watching another bad football game..... sigh) ... 12 cute cupcakes.

Pumpkin Cupcakes : Adapted from Martha Stewart's Pumpkin Cupcakes...
makes 12 cupcakes

1 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp pumpkin pie spice
1/8 cup white sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 stick butter (softened)
2 eggs
7.5 oz pumpkin puree
1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Mix dry flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and spices in a bowl
2. Cream butter, sugar and eggs until well blended
3. add in the flour mixture slowly
4. mix in the pumpkin puree
5. Bake for 20 minutes or until done (ours were done at 18 minutes)

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