Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Adventures of an Unemployed

I refuse to do rainbows... I made a carrot dump cake, basically, a carrot-coconut-walnut-chocolate chip cake.. ( minus the pineapple and raisins...I think without those = drier cake :/) So what was fitting for the decoration was to make something similar to the cake flavor. I found a perfect picture of Piglet holding a carrot. Cute. The problem, I made a 2 layer 6 -inch cake.. it's quite small, and I didn't have a wilton tip #1, so decorating his face was way too hard. I left it empty. You can only tell it's piglet because I told you : )

It's actually pretty do this, it's just a star tip piped to the extreme, the border was tip 21, a faux shell border because the stars refused to stick to the upper it did on the lower one) The only thing that was NOT easy, piping gel transfer.. Clear gel on white cake = uh where's the gel?... so I piped some thinned out frosting with piping gel added onto a wax paper, flipped it over onto the cake ( it did NOT transfer... like I'd hope) froze the cake for 10 minutes, lifted the wax paper, and well.. had to make it work by freehanding all the missing pieces :(

Hard at work!... I'm sure my hair swept this cake many times... whoops : P I now have a photographer at home to document my every move... I mean everrrryyy move.. :/

I went to Michaels.... 8 times in the past week. yep. I went a few times in one day. Decorating is SO MESSY! My sister wanted to learn as well, so you can see her work on the yellow board.

My inspiration... the easy-to-draw version of Piglet. I had to make it simpler than the original drawing.. and even MORE so than the drawing I did in this picture.. on the cake.

Face , no face, face.... no face..., ok face.. ugh. no face it is. I tried to draw a face on with tip #3. failed, and had to scoop it off. ( on a random note.. another art project I've taken up, french tipping nails haha.. yea I do have that much time...although that was my right hand, my left hand is prettier imo because I'm right handed :))

Off it goes into it's dome house.. waiting to be devoured : )

And then I couldn't wait, I took a pic on my phone, and sent it to people... yep just another day for me, nothing really out of the ordinary :)

Back to the title of the post, fitting huh ? So, I graduated almost one month ago to the date, with a BS, at UCLA. I keep telling myself that, but that really isn't going to make the job economy bounce back to life. Oh well. I finally get to relax, and do the things that I love, and never got a chance to do because of school. It's not like these skills are going to waste, I'm trying to find cute little art projects to exercise my artistic side for when I'm in dental school. After going to my second wilton class, I learned how to... well, I got ahead of myself.. so I didn't really learn much. I tried out a piping gel transfer cake, it failed, horribly, so badly that I just wanted to cut into the 2 day old cake (that was waiting for the decorations) and EAT IT. After a few hours of figuring out stuff, I finished. I don't know how many bags I've ripped through, or how many gallons of water was spent washing off the horrifically oily frosting... but I finished.

My day went something like this...
  • Be on the phone til late night
  • Read a few pages of Twilight (must finished New Moon soon!)
  • Get out of bed at 11:45 am
  • Make/ eat lunch
  • Find inspiration for a cake/ practice drawing it ... many times
  • Frost a cake, take tons of pictures, then cut through the creation...
  • Eat dinner ( this was not a smart move.. for the activity after this)
  • Go to the gym ( No no, this isn't an everyday thing, gross, I'm quite the anti-gym person.. but I must make my membership worth it! I want to go 4 times a month, yes lofty goal because I've gone 3 times this year, yeah I've counted... :) )
  • Dwell on my creation, and look up inspiration for other cakes... ( I will try a stabilized whipped cream frosting next, something a little tastier I hope)
  • .... and now I'm here, typing away... my babbles about life.
My life isn't that exciting, but it keeps me going. Everything is absolutely wonderful... however my only blah is that I wish schools would contact me soon, so I can plan my real life. I miss school, my brain is dying from not really being used...

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