Thursday, October 29, 2009

They sucked me in....for MORE and MORE!!!!!

I'm a sucker for pretty things, especially pretty food things. I spent a lot of time watching Ace of Cakes / Cake Boss, and well have fallen in love... again.. with wedding cakes! This buttercream stuff is a thing of the last 50 years. Sure it's cute on cupcakes nowadays... but really, many stores have opted for what I call the "pile of poop" style frosting. I don't hate it... I kid, I kind of do dislike it. It's modern, but ahh.. iono something about it just seems TOO simple, and takes the elegance out of the cupcake.'s now onto fondant, realistic flowers, and ganache. (Modeling chocolate for figurines?) YUM. Beginning November, I will be taking 2 cake decorating courses... yea TWO.... they got me GOOD this time... one on fondant and their flowers, and one on gum paste flowers.... : ) My teacher really encouraged me to do so, normally I shy away from molding things, because well, I have limited arts skills. But I think there are some skills you can actually learn. This will definitely work my hand skills to death! Perfect for casting, molding, and waxing up beautiful teeth in the future..... yea... :D Good thing it'll be less messy, and the flowers can be reused. I'm just kind of bummed that these classes are on Thurs nights/ Fri morning. Oh well.. if not now, then when right? I really want to meet someone my age doing this right now. hahaha... I think I might be on my own on this one... oh well! I'm not ashamed. I love cake decorating, and in the future, I will learn how to make all these thousand dollar cakes for less than 20 bucks : ) The mark up is amazing, but... I guess it's the time involved.... soo much time... into making these beautiful things ... which is something I have lots of... but I'm not complaining....

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