Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cake time....

I youtube a lot of the cake decorating techniques, especially flower making. I love watching every little trick out there. This cake was made right before my 2 classes. I learned how to make the roses without the cutters, and well it looks so much cuter that way. Don't ask why I chose this color. I wanted the reversal of a Tiffany's box it seems... I was just tired of all the vintage looking things I've done. I even dusted the cake with edible petal dust... so it shimmers and sparkles.. wow.. when did I get so tacky? hahah.. So.. This was a pumpkin pie cake ... but some how the last batch turned out so much better.. maybe it was the organic pumpkin puree my sister bought at TJs... I go cheap, I go to Walmart for that stuff.. haha oh well. cake is cake, next time, if there is one, I will add more spices. This cake was made for Delaura.... :) Hope u remembered to remove the toothpicks!

The issues I have with this cake:
  • I can't roll balls. I really didn't take the time to do so. This cake took 2 hours... and the balls didn't even turn out nicely!... whoops. I need those silicone molds.. that'd make life much more easier and clean.
  • The ribbon is a little fat... my goal for this cake was a.. once again.. ribbon cake with a huge bow on top made of 6 little bow things.. I still have them.. but I started to make the roses in that color.. so they stuck... and I was left with the fat ribbons.. that were put on crooked eh.... well more misadventures in foodland to come with the next picture haha.
  • Lumpy Dumpy.. just because I like to skimp on the glue (frosting).. I really am concerned about the health of my recipients.. I don't want anyone to develop diabetes because of me : (

Oh gosh this one was a lumpy mess! I like to roll things out as thinly as possible.. guess that was my problem, plus this was homemade fondant, not the wilton brand.. the wilton one would have covered really really nicely, but I just find the smell of that fondant repulsive. I want to find a supplier for satin ice fondant. I think a tub should last me months....That rose is called the ribbon rose.. it's made of one long piece of fondant... unlike my other roses that are made of 10+ pieces.... each...... I like the bow.. yay something positive.. but yes.. here is cake 2-for.... an unknown recipient (probably me.)

Problems with this cake.
  • Cellulite status... need I say more?
  • Um that ribbon around the cake ( to try to hide the lumps and bumps) is too thin and fat!
  • hhahaha the border...
OK I'm not that critical of my work, but I know when it's not my best... I feel bad when making ugly things, but it is all in the process. This is a really really time consuming hobby... hope I keep up with it even when class is over. I've already started brainstorming my next project......sewing... something I've done quite a bit since I was little... I knew how to use a sewing machine since I was like 7?.. maybe earlier.. I used to pretend I was a seamstress for my barbies.. haha those were the days... : )

Here comes the yellow lighting pics... I usually finish things at night... at the dining table.. with yellow lighting... I go to the den for the more daylight type pictures.... but yea.. here they are.. along with my mess.

I always teach my sis what I learned after class... her cake was very pretty, I'll post a pic after she's finally done. She knows how to roll balls into spheres... that are of the same size.. hahah

Lastly.. the big rose I made of fondant. I really like it..and look.. a fruit fly decided to visit! .. I hope we don't have an ant problem at home... because we did last 2 months ago... haha they killed my Crisco! eeek

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