Sunday, November 29, 2009

A different kind of Saturday...

(I added some shrimp and used tri color pearl or baby onions on top of some tri color gnocchi)

This font color is hard to read for a reason haha. I went to Cost Plus for the first time in like 10 years yesterday. It's a really cool store! I bought some dried gnocchi, similar to those you can buy from Trader Joe's. So I made a sauce that went very well with the gnocchi, and all of this took 15 minutes to make. I think I really mastered the art of cooking in a hurry all thanks to college haha.

Balsamic Cream Sauce
1 servings, depends if you like sauce..
1/8 onion chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1/3 cup cream
1/8 cup milk
A few grinds of lemon pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
pinch of salt and pepper
1/8 cup Parmesan cheese

1. Heat oil in a saucepan, add onions and saute until soft and caramelized
2. Add balsamic vinegar, and heat on medium until thick and sticky ( around 1 minute)
3. Add cream and milk. reduce heat to low, simmer for 5 minutes.
4. Add in cheese and stir until melted, season to taste.

Speaking of college....a strange fact about me is that I am a big sports fan, amidst all of this cooking, baking, and random art projects. I'm not the girly girl who likes to play house, look pretty, and nothing else. I don't cheer for teams because someone else does. I cheer because I am loyal to what and who I love. Today was the big rivalry game. I didn't go to the game, I didn't attend any watching parties, I just stayed home and watched, alone. UCLA lost once again to USC... that makes it 4 losses in the 5 years I've watched. It wasn't a blow out, like it was the past 3/4 years, but it was still heartbreaking. I've been to the good games, and I've been to the bad games... In the back of my mind, I always want the bruins to be victorious, but hey who am I kidding, USC is a powerhouse, regardless of their at-best "mediocre" season. This killed my night. I spent all day anxiously awaiting the game, and well here goes another let down, from my team. Boo. So I didn't bake this Saturday like I always do. I just didn't feel like it. Something about losses always dampers my mood, no matter what sport, or what team. I really don't think sports are good for my health, it makes me so stressed out, but that's the thrill of it right? I just miss college. When will I ever go to those types of tailgates again? When will I go to rallies and parades to support my team? When will I camp out for a day just to be close to the basketball players? That was the good life.. being so carefree about everything not having to worry about anything BUT the games. Living at home just doesn't grant me those opportunities anymore. Oh well. I'll just sleep it off and dream about the memories I had of the victories, especially 2006's 13-9, when no one really believed....including myself, but I remained true to my school, and went to the game expecting another blow out. I still love UCLA to death regardless of any outcome because a Bruin is Forever.

1 comment:

  1. The games have always been too depressing for me to watch. The last ever football game I went to was the USC game during our freshman year. I think we were in line together for the bus at some point during that horrible night.

    I'll have to try your sauce sometime! As for Cost Plus, sometimes I am skeptical of buying food there because it seems like it has been on the shelves for forever and a half. Was the quality good?
