Tuesday, December 8, 2009

So.. maybe dreaming of a White Christmas isn't too far out of the question!

Ok nothing about food again, but um I did go out to eat pizza today in downtown WC for dinner, I was one of the brave peeps to go out on this chilly night. I bundled up with 4 layers, and some thin gym pants.... haha, it was FREEZING!
Anyway, it snowed today, I mean, actually snowed, not just a sprinkling, a dusting that lasted throughout the day!.... That's RARE for the bay area! : ) It was cool seeing all the hills and mountains with a nice blanket of snow. I guess we're just really spoiled with California weather, and I was even more spoiled the last 4 years with picture perfect LA weather (it did snow once 3 years ago.. so weird for LA!) I took my camera out for a chilly spin today to take pics of the winter.. or um "fall" wonderland. I need to fatten up for this season if it's going to be this cold all the time... I should bake more now.. something with a lot of butter.. yea... yummm...
This was the view from Cal State East Bay's Concord Campus. Pretty cool place to see the hills and Mt. Diablo. Some hills got a lot of snow, while others stayed nice and green...
Taking my newly made camera strap cover for its first trip outside! : )
Snow! haha, ok it's not that much, but a lot left for 4 PM, I think someone rolled up a snowman and it just stayed frozen.Mt. Diablo!Clayton is such a cute town!

I'm going to start planning all of my holiday cooking projects since many of my friends are coming back home for winter break : ) Get ready for some super cute treats! I'm thinking of more cake pops, mini cakes, cookies, and helping my sis make a cake for her co-worker. I hope I have time to finish. It's going to be a lot of fun, just wish it wasn't so cold in the house :-(


  1. You're lucky you actually got to see snow. That would have made the cold somewhat worth it... It was 25F in Pleasanton for the past couple of days and even on Sunday/Monday when it rained, no snow, just freezing freezing rain.

  2. No snow in my neck of the woods :( Well, there was snow in the hills by my home, but I had to go beyond the hills to see the mountains and stuff. I can't believe you didn't have snow there! 25 is ridiculous! I stop functioning at 40... don't you miss LA weather? I thought 50 was"cold" then... :(!... Imagine walking to class in the freezing temp... ahhh

  3. yeah. exactly. LA people have got it made. I laugh when I see UCLA peoples' fb statuses referring to the "cold." I do walk to class in the freezing temperature @ Berkeley. It's a few blocks from the BART station to my classes... and then there is that darn transfer to get back to Dub/Pleas. Ughhh so cold.
