Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello 2010.. Goodbye 2009....

Happy New Year! I went out of town again for the last few days. I haven't been blogging much because well, I took a nice long break from baking.... then I had a marathon of baking one day last week, I left, then now I'm back home.
To recap, 2009 was a crazy year, I thought it would be my favorite because it was the year I graduated, I always said I'm going to be the class of 2009, and those 4 years leading up to 2009 was CRAZY.... but now that 2009 has come and gone, 2009 wasn't as spectacular as it probably should have been. There were a lot of challenges, a lot of fun, a lot of happy times, with a sprinkling of bad times, but I think that's just another typical year. I want to make resolutions, but I know I'll break them in the end, so I'll just post a few goals for myself here on my blog to remind myself about what I want in life at the beginning of a new decade.

My goals to myself will be :
1. Figure out my career as soon as possible.
2. Enjoy life for its face value rather than trying to analyze every single aspect of it.
3. Smile more even when it's not the best time in my life.
4. Appreciate my body for what it is.
5. Find ways to relax without just sitting in your room all day.
6. Always be surrounded by people I love without dwelling on the past.
7. Be positive. <- maybe the most difficult one here 8. Live LIFE without having to worry about anything or anyone pulling me down. 9. Finish things that I start, aka don't pick up a new hobby without finishing the last one! 10. Learn to love where I am in life and have faith that everything will work out in the end. 2010 will be one of the most important years of my life. It will dictate what I do, where I go, and who I become. 2010 is scary. This decade will be amazing, I hope to live out my dreams, marry, have kids, have a house, and a car. (Maybe open up a bakery? haha) Ok, lofty goals, but I will be 32 at the end of the decade rite? 10 more years. WOW.. that doesn't seem like that long, but 10 years ago, where was I? 12, a lonely angry little girl who basically hated the world because she thought that the world hated her. I've left all the naysayers behind, and moved on with the people who I know truly care and who always keep it REAL. I've come a long way.... a really long way. Here's to an awesome year filled with productivity, big love, good health, and good company... and here's to a new decade of new memories, new friendships, and of course.. new recipes. : ) Happy New Year everyone. I love you all for visiting!
- SkinnyMinhy (haha what if I become ChubbyMinhy in the next 10 years.. hey that could happen!.. I should reserve that name now hehehe j.k. )

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