Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sausagefest 2010!

I've left this blog for quite some time... whoops. But! I did change the layout. I need to figure out these coding things before I can do more to it. I really want a 3 column blog. I don't know how to do that without screwing up the banner and stuff. This is a really spring theme... it might be too spring-y. I do like pink this time of the year.. but maybe not that much pink... I'm just a fan of color, and this was the most vibrant blog template blogger had... I would go and pick out a new one from those other websites, but haven't found a super simple background yet.

Anyway, what have I been up to? Not much. The same old thing... work... relax... work...relax... go out... shop... relax... you get the picture... just a lot of nothing. So normally, this nothingness would be filled with a lot of baking or cooking. I haven't been inspired lately, so nothing has really come out of my kitchen.. from me.

Last week I went to a sausage making party. I bought my friend a sausage attachment for Christmas, and he decided to make a party out of it! I've never made sausages before and they were SO DELICIOUS. It was quite an entertaining night as well seeing everyone make their own sausage.. we got the 2 inchers.. and the large.. uh.. 18 incher... haha. All in all, it was a great night filled with a lot of food and fun. :-)

The machine...
haha ...
Yay... finished with my sausage

My sis and I made shepherd's pie for the party. Some advice- if you're planning to serve it hours later, be sure to have plenty of gravy/sauce. The mash potato topping has an affinity towards liquids... and it ended up sucking the shepherd's pie's sauce dry before we could serve it... I think they started to eat it around 11pm? We were driving it over at 3pm.. haha.. yea we left beef out in the open for 8 hours... no one got sick...I don't think....from the food...that is...

Sauce before the trip... and then it dried up after 8 hours.... :-(
Piping with ketchup!

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