Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chocolate Macaron Ice Cream Sandwich

Macarons... again... haha. The only reason I really make macarons these days is because my mom makes her pastries, and only uses egg yolks for her egg wash. It's not like I don't have a desire to make them, I'm just not really interested in them too much anymore. haha I think my creativity for macarons has run out of steam. I envisioned making these flavors, did it, and now I'm done. I sped through making these macarons today. My sister was going to see her friends, so I decided to send some macarons with her. I basically made these in an hour. These egg whites had been denaturing for over a day, and whipped up like a dream. I don't know if I'll be making chocolate ones anymore, I definitely need to tweak the recipe a bit for chocolate due to the dense cocoa powder. The cookies, sadly, were under-baked (just like my last chocolate batch.) I squirted out different sizes again, probably in my mad rush to finish them. I also didn't let them dry a lot, so the crust/shell was never really formed. The larger cookies had tops that were slightly soft. Sigh. Well, it was still edible, just... tasted like a brownie... very cake-y and dense, not what a macaron should be like. Oh well, live and learn.. rite? I will try more basic flavors next time. I don't know how my earl grey chocolate macarons came out so nicely. I probably added less cocoa powder to the mixture.
Anyway. I didn't want to whip up a ton of frosting for these. I was in too much of a hurry and didn't fill them. I wanted to make a pistachio buttercream, and also a peanut butter frosting to place inside ( to mimic Reese's peanut butter cups haha). I ended up just making one sandwich again, for me to devour... an ice cream sandwich that is. This is just like a sundae, you have your vanilla ice cream, chocolate, and nuts!.. delicious-ness....

Here's a link to my macaron tutorial, be warned, 1.5 tbsp of cocoa powder might be too much.. resulting in a very dense, "hard to bake" properly, macaron.

Topped with peanuts....
Topped with pistachios... Post baking... The lone macaron...


  1. I like your polka dot styling on this one :)

  2. thanks :) there was a scrapbook paper sale at jo ann... 5/$1... I limited myself to 5 pieces...I probably could have bought one in every color haha... I love the dots too! But.. I don't like how it shows that I take crooked pics.. cuz .. I do.. haha and I don't really have a program to fix that either :(

  3. My obsession with macarons started a loong time ago and I haven't run out of steam yet lol they can be frustrating. For chocolate macarons, I like to use David Lebovitz's recipe. It works pretty well.

    The background in your profile picture looks like UCLA. Did you go there? I'm a student there now :)

  4. I really like your blog, lovely pictures, great recipes! I almost went to dental school this year, but Its not a passion of mine, food is.

  5. @Food je t'aime - haha, that's wonderful that you haven't run out of steam. I've made so many in the past few months where.. I'm ready to just move on.. haha I thought I mastered the recipe because it's been so long since I've had a failure, but this chocolate one was a slight failure :/... I definitely feel you on the frustrating aspect of macaron making. David's recipe was the first recipe I've tried. It was great! The only thing I did differently was change the temperature and baking time, I guess. My first batch, ever, burnt HAHA :(

    Yes, I did go to UCLA, Class of 2009!!! :) That's awesome that you go there, it would have been cool to meet fellow bloggers at school. I think my friends thought I was crazy for cooking as much as I did. GL with the rest of your quarter!

    @ Valen - Thanks for stopping by! :) If I hadn't gotten into dental school this year, I was definitely going to look into culinary courses. I would totally love to learn how to make pastries like the pros! I always think humans are capable of many passions, but really, cooking and enjoying food is going to stick with me for the rest of my life :)... I'm hooked on searching for the perfect recipe on everything! I have big plans to pursue it more after I'm done with school :D and btw, awesome blog!
