Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday !!!

Happy Birthday, Skinnyminhy!

No, not me,.. err well it was my bday a few days ago haha... but my blog! I can't believe it's been a year! I've posted 123 times... which makes that around a post every few days! I can't believe I kept this up. This was supposed to be my space to just vent and reminisce about life... but it turned into something amazing... something I am extremely proud of. What have I learned? I learned a ton about who I am, and what I love. I love baking. I love cooking. I love FOOD. I also love photography, and love to share all of my creations and rants with people :) I also learned what a macaron was.. and how to make it.... that was a big part of my blog.. I guess.

Some random stats.. cuz I love stats :)... this site has gotten over 11K pageviews... over 4500 unique visitors from 93 countries... ahhh who would have thought SkinnyMinhy would get..even... 20 visitors.. haha... I don't know. I was bored one day and started to market this blog to reach an audience. I wanted to see if people actually read it. I started at and entered those photo voting contests.... I then moved on to then and then ... and that's when I started to refine some of my photo taking skills. I love how it was that one push that made me try really hard to make the presentation count. Getting on foodgawker.. isn't as easy as it looks.. my submissions have been rejected quite a few times. I just keep trying and trying... ahhh but I have been lagging the last few weeks. I just have.. no time left :(

This year has been spectacular. I worked for half of it (last day today!!!!,) and just sat around for the other. I've traveled a ton.. ( Seattle/Victoria, BC, Vegas, Miami/Key West, South Lake Tahoe, and... 4.. soon to be 5 trips to SoCal)... not including all of the exploring I did in day trips around the Bay Area + probably over 25 trips to the city! I don't think I could have asked for anything better! I have no complaints. I have no regrets. I am so grateful and thankful that things worked out. This year was perfect for me just to relax.... finally. My acid reflux has gotten a lot better so I've been able to enjoy more foods! My fun life is winding down now, and starting next week.. I will become a resident of beautiful San Francisco! I've been packing and buying a ton of stuff for the move. I want to make it feel very home-y when I move in. I won't even be in town most of next week.. so it's my last hustle to buy stuff.... right... now.

I've spent a lot of time coordinating my kitchen with stuff. Most of the time was just sitting and waiting for the perfect deal (I am a slickdeals addict.) Most of the things I bought were on super clearance or were really good markdowns... ($9 for 24 piece Oneida flatware set from Sears! $17 for a 10 inch victorinox chef's knife!) I am and will always be a fabulous bargain shopper. haha... my deals are amazing. As for the kitchen.. I made everything match my mixer since that was the first big purchase.. and I'll be leaving it out on the countertop. I have a red microwave, blender, mixer, plates, rugs... yea.. I went a little overboard. I want to sew a matching apron since my apron doesn't match my theme at all. I don't know. I'm weird, and have too much time... my kitchen is almost complete... but now.. I need to figure out the rest of my tiny apartment.

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