Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blogging Hiatus :/

I have totally neglected this blog :( sigh... I've been baking... here and there, but mostly, moving. I should be all moved in by the end of this week. It's taken a lot longer than expected... I never knew how much junk I can accumulate throughout the years : / I will be back. I promise :( ... definitely won't post around 8 posts a month.. but probably just 3-4... hopefully. I plan give myself some free time when I study to making something yummy. I love my kitchen so far. There are many more appliances that I brought along with me... on top of what's shown on that picture... my theme is red... and damask. The living area is more pinks, corals, greens, and purples, and the bathroom is green, blue, and pink. I have so many kitchen stuff.. it's kind of crazy. I haven't had a chance to organized anything, so yea... there's a lot more kitchen stuff going today and tomorrow...I have quite a bit of room in my apt. It's not as cramp as I thought it would be. Last night I sewed curtains for my walk in closet. There were these flimsy folding doors that got stuck on the carpet a lot, so I removed them, and went to JoAnn's. I sewed the curtains, tie backs, a pillow for my chair, and strap covers for the chair cushion (all for $10!.. I love clearance!). I will hopefully get a before and after pic of these things soon. :) I wanted to add a personal touch to this apt. It was looking quite empty and boring... I looooooove color! Ok, back to more packing. I'm leaving early morning tomorrow and spending almost a day out there trying to figure out stuff and unpack. :( Have I mentioned that my building does not have an elevator? I live on the 3rd floor.... going up and down and up and down and up and down... has given me my workout for the month... my calves have never hurt so badly... and I used to conquer those UCLA stairs everyday..

So empty :( ... this is how sunny and bright this apt is.. such a change from the apts I've lived in before! Pac heights has amazingly blue skies compared to the other neighborhoods. The air seems more fresh there.. much much more breathable. The view is very nice... to the left.. mainly.. haha... I have a view of Alta Plaza Park and lots of houses. To the right.. I have a view of more houses... I live on a pretty big/wide road.. hence.. the great lighting! In front, I have a view of scaffolding...for now... they're renovating a synagogue that's been there for over 100 years..... it should be nice when it's finished. I'll have a view of the stained glass windows.. but that won't happen for another 6 months...:( white tarp it is... for now.. haha

1 comment:

  1. welcome back! :) o and btw i tried the google tracker thing. i think i did it wrong cuz it doesn't work, but oh well, hahaha...i think i'm better off not knowing who visits my blog
