Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Eggnog Ice Cream with Store Bought Eggnog!

From eggnog carton  -- >  ice cream maker -- > freezer ... really.. that's it! 
My first attempt at ice cream! I don't have time.. yea I shouldn't even have time to walk to the store to buy food.. but I did.. cuz I also wanted bread... plus I don't really call a 15 minute break wasting that much time. I found a recipe where the blogger actually added just eggnog to the ice cream maker.. which resulted in.. well.. ice cream! EASY. I'll figure out harder recipes when I have the time to buy ingredients, and stuff. I walked down to Mollie Stone's today and grabbed a quart of eggnog. ( Clover Farm's Organic Eggnog ) I've been buying much more organic stuff these days.. must be the city's influence.. anyway, it was on sale ( but... of course! ) and it cost as much as the non-organic counterpart. $3.29 for a quart to be exact (there was one brand selling for $10... ridiculous!!! .. it better come pre-spiked for that price!).. yea Safeway is selling it for around the same price.. for double the amount. sigh. BUT it's not organic... if that makes any difference...and I'm sure it's not as tasty.. :P .. well that's my hope... anyway... yea. simple simple simple, even clean up was a breeze. My bowl is back in the freezer... up next? who knows. everything was too expensive at mollie stones... like yogurt (it might cost 12 bucks to make a lil tarty frozen yogurt thing.. yea might as well just go to Yoppi up the street)... cream (5 bucks for heavy cream.. no way!).. half and half (they ran out of the pints..)... sigh.

I kept this bowl frozen for 1 full day. That was a tough-y. I assembled my machine and turned it on, and poured in around 2/3 of the carton (I could have stopped here.. but I wanted to add some flavor.. so I guess my title is deceiving...) + 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice and 1/4 tsp cinnamon , then I eyeballed around 1.5 tsp of imitation vanilla extract (wish I had a little rum or bourbon but it's totally not worth it to buy liquor for that amount).. next time I think I will be much more generous with all the spices. The flavor didn't come out as much as I would hope, but hey, experimenting is the best part about cooking! I let that machine churn for 15 minutes...resulting in some soft (semi icy?.. maybe there wasn't enough cream/milk in it?) serve. I'm not really a fan of softer ice cream, especially if it's not tart :).. but yea.. put all of the ice cream into a tupperware and stored it in the freezer.. I'm looking forward to having some ice cream every meal now. :).. definitely softens the blow of going through 500 pages of questions.. not to mention.. around 50 lectures for those 2 classes.. oh hey, that's just 2 classes.. how about the other 5?... 50 more hours of lecture to go over those those... argalksjkfldsjakljkljlksdf mind explosion.. just like how my waistline will be after I figure out this ice cream thing... you know.. real ice cream with tons of egg yolks ( eggwhites for macarons possibly?!) .. heavy cream... milk.. and oh yeaah.. sugarrrrrr

ONE MORE WEEK.. then.. off to.. vegas for some gastronomical adventures.. and many hours of sleep... I still won't get to do the normal vegas thing..I've outgrown that scene it seems... I'm feel like an oldy who loves to sleep... haha oh well. this trip will repeat last year's trip .. that's for sure.  Wynn Buffet, and Jean Phillipe here I come! Hope to dive face first into some amazing desserts... that's really all I want for Christmas.. a happy stomach!.. and a well rested mind.. hey how about passing all my classes while I'm at it.. 11 grades to look forward to getting.... holy crap. Can't wait until Friday, party hardy for the rest of the year!

Eggnog Ice Cream
For a semi - icy consistency :
1 quart eggnog
Spices to taste ( cinnamon, nutmeg , pumpkin pie spice, cloves )
2 tsp vanilla extract
Place ingredients into a well chilled ice cream maker bowl, and turn on for 15 minutes.

For a creamier version :
3/4 quart eggnog
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 egg yolk
2 tsp vanilla extract
Spices to taste
Recipe above hasn't been tried, but sounds like it would work.

This will yield soft serve ice cream right out of the machine, transfer to tupperware and freeze for a few hours until set to get "regular" consistency ice cream. Sprinkle with some spices when serving.

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