Saturday, December 11, 2010

How far would you go for ice cream?

this is a view looking out towards the marina, it was a horribly gloomy day, but perfect for a nice slow run.. 
I almost have to gain a LOT in elevation to get back home ( 6th steepest hill in the city.. 26% grade).. this is why I had to take a taxi back.. there was just no way I could have carried those 2 boxes another 0.5 mile up that massive hill! Taxi fare was $4.45 I really should have driven.. parking would have been $1 .. I just didn't want to give up my parking spot

For me? A mile. I ran to Williams Sonoma this morning because I wanted to get an ice cream maker. Yes, yes.. I have finals, but I also like to run to get my mind active.. early.. I hate being locked up in my apt, or at the library... so yea.. it was a short mile run to the store, which opened later than I thought. I stood outside... with my perio notes and reviewed out loud. I'm sure those Marina folks (they are an interesting bunch of people stuck in their work out gear 24/7) enjoyed my ramblings about bacteria, plaque, pockets, probing depths, and bony defects. haha Anyway, I snagged up the ice cream maker... and thought that I could walk back home but yea.. gave up half way and took a taxi. Poop. why? I didn't just buy one... I was lugging 2 ice cream makers (15 pounds EACH)... and a bag of random candies and peanut butter from walgreens. oh well.. taxi got me back quickly.. I'm sure he enjoyed the short drive... and now I'm back in my cozy apt with 2 ice cream makers... not knowing when I'd have time to make it.
Love these hearts.. too bad they're going away... 

I'm adding to my collection of kitchen toys!

Extra bowl! What a deal! :)

I bought it in red.. of course. :) It's beautiful , and such a deal because of that extra bowl ( it's not like I need it.. ) but I"m sure when I have time I will be able to bring some ice cream to sim lab.. and share. I've never made ice cream before... yea... this might be bad... but for me.. I love random appliances. Last year I got a super cute and tiny cuisinart food processor that I use a lot for grinding oatmeal, almond meal, chocolate, and now peppermint candies. The year before, I got my Breadman..ok I need to stop my apt is not that big.. haha I think I will put away the slow cooker and put out that ice cream machine.. cuz it's so adorable! This is my gift to me.. it's kind of like an adult christmas.. I used to get toys related to my play kitchen when I was little.. now.. it's the real deal. Can't wait to make some. I'm thinking eggnog ice cream.. cuz I found a recipe that has only eggnog as the ingredient... can't get any simpler than that. I'm trying to find a Tarty Yogurt recipe... yea that's going to take awhile.

I will admit this, I am a pretty impatient person.. waiting 24 hours for that bowl to freeze has been crazy. But... I've made myself not go down to the store to buy the ingredients until tomorrow morning. That will be my morning errand. Yay.

Speaking of gifts and another digression... I'm in search for a new camera.. it's been 1.5 years since I've gotten my other one and think that it's time for a nice upgrade. I really do love photography.. and can see myself getting into it more and more as I grow older. Eventually.. I'm going to try to work up to the 5D Mark.. uh by then maybe 4?.. but that will be when I have a nice stable job and probably a beautiful growing family. :) I'm just thinking of how many crowns and fillings I have to do in order to earn that beauty (this will make me try harder to perfect those things!) I love goals... and I'll just add that one to my growing list of things to do when I'm done with school.. and that list is definitely growing. I have 2.5 years of school left, that doesn't seem like much anymore....

All of my toys I've been dying to play with... the red of this ice cream maker isn't so.. "red".. it's more orange-red.. if anything.. sigh.. should have bought a white one? meh I don't do well with white .. look at my coffee maker... and my toaster.. those 2 things are in the worst shape possible.. 

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