Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The 5 minute breakfast sandwich

I don't live by fast food places... if I did, I'm sure my breakfast would consist of something delicious. Anyway, I guess fast food places are too yuck for these people here... :/ .. although there is a burger king...close...by? iono.. it's just never on the way. I need to eat healthier, really.. I do. I also need something with calories that won't kill me.. or end up being empty calories.

... oh this was the easiest of all breakfasts...and pretty healthy too!

1. place 2 frozen links on a paper towel, microwave uncovered for 1 minute
2. place english muffin in toaster (split in half) ( I have mine at temp #2)
3. turn on the stove (MAX HEAT!,) place a grill pan on it (optional, you can just put cheese in the middle, and microwave it for 10 seconds or until cheese starts to melt)
4. when the muffins are done, place a slice of cheese on the inner halves.. sandwich together, and place on hot grill.
5. let cheese melt, stick in sausages, and greens

I timed myself... 5 minutes.. from start to finish. Nice. Might as well add in making coffee and call it a "complete" meal. haha..

Cost breakdown.
33 cents for muffin ( Thomas's with 5 g of fiber... yea cuz we're all not getting enough fiber in our diets right?!) - Pack of 6 =$2
50 cents for sausages ( all natural... I made sure that they microwaved up nicely) - 10 links per package $2.50
15 cents for cheese (kraft's singles) .. no idea how much, but I'm sure it was on sale
15 cents for salad ( organic mixed baby greens) $2 for a pre-washed bag
~$1.13 for a sandwich ... not bad at all!

Back to finals.

My motto for this finals session...

YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DON'T EVEN TRY TO SUCCEED... yea well. isn't that obvious? Wasn't so much to me during the quarter haha sigh. and I need crazy complicated biochem later in life... why.. again???
If any patient of mine asks me about carbamoyl phosphate, I might have to give them the treatment for free... makes my education worth it.. when I hear things I learned way back in grad school rite?.. rite...

6 more.... and I'm not capable of pulling all nighters.. I mean should I?... I would be pulling an all nighter for a test relating to amalgam, composite, and glass ionomer... oh joy.

Matcha loving.. also energy drinks.. and tons of coffee...

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