Friday, December 16, 2011

NY Times Chocolate Chip Cookie

NY Times' Chocolate Chip Cookie
Oh, the controversy... what's the best recipe for chocolate chip cookies? I've tried so many of them.. and most have just be "eh" at most. I've been on food gawker a lot lately, and realized... there is a trending cookie that I wasn't aware of.. the NY Times chocolate chip cookies. The key for those cookies? Letting it rest for at least 24 hours... I wish I had the time, and planned things out better. I wanted to make cookies for my friends... but I always have finals around this time. This year, I didn't get a chance to do it. But I rationalize that this will be my trial run for when I do have time to make them next quarter. I'm officially half way done with dental school, but almost half way done being a dental student. Which also mean... I basically bought a house at 24. I finished my finals yesterday.... my eyes were so blood shot at the end of the day. The very last final was a killer, not because it was hard, content-wise, but it was just hard to stay focused.. all I wanted to do was leave and sleep.

Big bites + cold milk = love!
           Patience is a virtue. People have told me that I am a very patient person. I'm not. I may be like that on the outside during random situations, but inside, I'm just dying to just do it, or get it out of someone. I think I've gotten better though, I don't poke things in the oven every few minutes to see if it's done... the only think I haven't really learned is that pizza will stay hot for quite some time... pizza burn is not fun..but happens to me every time. Cooking... well... most of the time, doesn't require much patience. Baking however.... requires a good amount of that.. and uh.. the NY times chocolate chip cookie recipe? Way TOO much dead time. I can understand letting cookies sit for 30 minutes, maybe an hour, of when I'd just stick it in the freezer and "expedite" the chilling time... but seriously... 24 hours?!... I couldn't resist, I fired up the oven and made 3 cookies....and my impatient moment? I was crouched in front of the oven the entire time. I think I deserve a cookie break... especially today... and what's better than out of the oven chocolate chip cookies? Sadly, not much... these days. I wonder if many people have tried to see if developing it for 24 hours really makes a difference? I wish I saved one to compare.

The results of not chilling or letting the dough rest
Still a GREAT cookie!
          OMG these were delicious.... and aside from my TMJ problems when chewing them (darn crepitus)... I'd say this recipe is a true winner. These tasted like cookies you buy at the store... FINALLY!!! They aren't like any cookie I have made, but WOW... I'll be surprise if I don't sneak a few more scoops out of the dough tonight... what I realized after baking it.. was that this dough was a bit too soft. I halved the recipe and did a stupid thing.. I forgot to add 1/3 cup of bread flour.... not to fear... I placed the dough back into my mixer and added the flour... my chips did break up a bit... but that's not a problem.. I'm glad my mixer didn't die when mixing that dough + chips. What I'd do differently next time? Not add so much chocolate, and sugar. I'm not a fan of the super sweet sweets. I'll update tomorrow on the outcome of the rest of the cookies. I'm making them for a holiday party.... that  and maybe some molasses cookies... gotta use up that molasses I don't find much use for it outside of the holidays...

You can find the recipe here: NY TIMES CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 
I followed it almost to a T after halving the recipe... I did reduce the sugar a bit, but will continue to reduce it further in my next batch. I used Guittard milk chocolate ( they're bigger ) and semi sweet. Guittard is my favorite brand of chocolates... and it's pretty easy to find these days too.. when on sale, they range form $2.50 -$ 3 bucks for a 12 oz bag... and that's when I stock up. :)

The well rested cookies
UPDATE: 24 hours later, I baked the rest of the dough. Was the wait worth it? In my opinion... not really. The cookie was VERY DELICIOUS, my best cookie yet. Sorry to break it to everyone who is convinced that letting it rest for 24 hours is the best thing in the world. I really enjoyed the cookie after mixing it. It wasn't as chewy, or crisp on the outside, and definitely flattened out a lot more. As for the ones after I let it rest? The texture was a little better after letting it rest, the edges were crispy and the centers were the perfect.. chewy... but really, if you don't have the time, or patience ... just bake that darn thing.. it's just a cookie! ... and don't forget the sea salt on top.. that actually makes a delectable difference. :) Maybe I'll try and make super thick cookies. I didn't make the 3.5 oz cookies as stated in the recipe. I'm making it for 15 people .. not 5.. oh well next time, and there will be a next time with this cookie!!!


  1. Hey! I like the update of ur site's layout. :)

  2. YUM YUM! This really looks delicious with lots of twists. I'm definitely craving for a plate of that right now. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe. This is definitely a must do recipe this weekend since I got my Food Safety Course.
