Sunday, December 11, 2011


The 5 minute pre finals sandwich!
This is what I feel like a lot of people in the society think about where I could fit in..... "You're a woman, and you're supposed to be making sandwiches." I hear that line enough times.. and I don't get it... probably because I'm not really a fan of eating sandwiches (and.. why sandwiches... aren't they really easy to make?) haha.. but yea, however... that is what I want to do though, but it isn't all I want to do in life. I do feel like I belong in the kitchen, but not because I am a woman, just because I love being there. No guy has ever forced me into the kitchen, it is something I've loved since I was little. If a guy wants to join me in the kitchen, that's a-ok with me, it would be nice having someone who shares a similar passion but I haven't had a kitchen big enough for 2 people so I hate having someone else in my kitchen (they've all been tiny alleys.) I guess having someone who enjoys eating my experiments will work too... just as long as they help with the dishes : D . I seriously don't know how I will juggle my desire to cook fabulous meals every night after a long day at work.... but I'll soon figure that out. 
Hermey Would Like to be a ... a... Dentist! 

I'm 6 finals away from being at the halfway point, so yes, I am living Hermey's dream. You have no idea how much resistance I've dealt with because I decided to do this.... reactions like "ewwww," "you're weird," "dental assisting school?" "could you not get into med school?" "why not pharmacy?" "doesn't it smell bad?" "don't they have the highest suicide rates?" < - FALSE  and my personal favorite and all time most frequent reaction "why?? I hate the dentist!" hahahaha I can't really think of any profession where you tell someone what you're going to be and automatically get the reaction "I hate _______!!!" I feel like dentists can be known as misfits in the society... I've dealt with enough negativity towards my profession to come to terms that this is not really a desirable field to most.... and that's why it's comforting going to school where it's not a big deal... but really, I don't care. I am not embarrassed to be a dental nerd. I am proud, and I know I will be needed, like it or not. I haven't met many people who haven't been to the dentist .. ever, and have no dental problems... if you're out there, I'd like to meet you. Cheers to my 6th finals week, and hoping that these hours of studying have paid off.... then I can finally tackle the beast that will truly mark my half way point. 

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