Monday, February 25, 2013

My mornings.....

Start at 6 am. Whether I get up at 6.. or not.. I wake up at 6.. to hit the snooze button a few times. My commute is a lazy 500 ft walk .... I get up because I want to start my day on a relaxed note.... whether it's taking a shower, listening to country music, or making my coffee.. grinding the beans and all... one things for sure... I like to be awake when I start clinic at 9am... hence.. I take a few hours to "wake up." I don't think my patients would appreciate a snoozing student dentist drilling on them... so that's why I wake up.. that early. Crazy.. I know. Typically, my breakfast is boring. It's just milk, cereal, and coffee... that probably keeps me "full" until 11.. if even... so for 2 hours I just sit and pretend that I'm not hungry... but.. in reality.. my stomach is making all sorts of noises... noises that I drown out by turning on my suction and drill...Yup... I still failed to figure out a satisfying no cook breakfast that will get my though my 4.5 hours of work during the morning session...

Today I had something interesting for breakfast... it was more of a lunch... thing... I made this bread... and sandwiched some salami and butter in it... this kind of reminded me of my time in Spain... I just wanted to post the recipe so I can see it again...

This bread was really good, a great crust that can be sliced easily... and it takes very little time.... as compare to the no knead one... I'm still trying to learn how to slash bread tops... I used a brand new surgical blade on this one... and still.. not the best slashes :( ... but one issue.. is that it stuck to my pot... so next time I'll whip out the parchment paper to save me from the heachache and cringe session I had while trying to pry my bread out of my Le Creuset. Yep... a panick attack from baking bread... it is possible.... I over salted this bread... which probably affected the way it rose... All of the simple breads I've had made so far have been terribly bland.... I wanted this one to be a little bit more interesting... so I added salt... and LOTS of it... it was almost sourdough tasting... I loved it. It was perfect with a little butter, or olive oil.... or well.. just pain... This is a recipe that will probably be my go to... I actually weighed the flour and water so I can have more of an exact recipe... I'm striving for consistency in my cooking... I really do lack that.... one batch rarely tastes the same as the previous one!

I've bought a new cast iron pot, this time, a very classic cast iron dutch oven.... by lodge, and I will use it specifically for bread baking, I just don't have the funds to replace my Le Creuset if anything happens to it :(

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