Sunday, February 24, 2013

Non-Fat Strawberry Lemon Frozen Yogurt

The thing I hate most about my ice cream maker is... the pre-freezing phase. I always forget to freeze that tub... and well... when the time comes and I actually have the ingredients to make ice cream... I'd have to wait a day... or two until I gather up the energy and willpower to take out the step stool, and fetch my ice cream maker from the very top shelf of my cabinets. I had this greek yogurt container that was basically on its way out... I feel like I've been eating a lot of questionable foods lately because I just don't seem to ever finish what I start eating :( Well, the recipe was simple enough. I tweaked it to my liking, aka, not that much sugar, more lemon, and used non fat greek yogurt.... then I realized.. wow .. this deliciously creamy treat is really non fat! Amazing. I did add some raspberry liquor to the batter to prevent it from turning rock hard... so far so good. It kind of reminds me of a smoothie... a more creamy and refined smoothie. This recipe is a keeper, especially for those days where I don't finish my yogurt.... I guess I ran out of kale and stopped making smoothies...not sure if I'll return to that phase..

Non-Fat Strawberry Lemon Frozen Yogurt 

adapted from :

2 cups greek yogurt (I used non-fat)
1 lb straberries, stems removed
1/3 (or more) cup sugar ... taste as you go, my strawberries were sweet to begin with!
Juice from half a lemon
1 tbsp framboise ( Raspberry Liquor)

1. In a blender, blend all ingredients, and adjust if necessary, I like it a bit more tart-y...
2. chill mixture for a few hours, and pour into pre chilled ice cream maker bowl, churn for 10 minutes or until it's almost like frozen yogurt. Place into a container, and freeze for a few hours or until hard

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