Saturday, February 23, 2013

Grapefruit Diet

Just Kidding. I haven't had a whole grapefruit in maybe 6 years? Why? I put myself on a citrus ban for many years... more so... eating whole citrus fruits ban. My body produced way too much acid already, the last thing I wanted to do was create more insult to it. So, I saw these gems for 50 cents at Mollie Stones... and thought that was a bargain... I don't know how to eat a grapefruit... I've watched videos on how to carve out each slice.. but eh.... way too much effort! I just went around at ate it.. it was messy... and very un lady like... good thing I didn't have any witnesses. I guess I should invest in some grapefruit spoons if I eat more of these things.... I've probably ate over 6 pounds of citrus the past few weeks.... I had to stop myself from buying more orange juice because I inhaled it.... ahhh yes... I found my weakness.... pulpy orange juice.. I really hope my heartburn doesn't come back.

So, I wanted to find an easy recipe for grapefruit besides just eating it... and I found that you can sprinkle some sugar on it... and stick it under the broiler... and that's what I did... It was so yummy. The grapefruit was really good too... it's those sweet texas rio ones... so I guess it didn't need the extra sugar... but the addition of a hint of ground ginger and cinnamon gave it that real special touch.

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