Sunday, February 24, 2013

Butternut squash raviolis w/ brown butter sage sauce

This is a recipe that I will likely revisit a few times... it's just not quite right. I spent my whole saturday cooking up a storm on things that I've been meaning to make .... this was one of them. My butternut squash has been sitting in my kitchen for oh.. I don't know... 3 months? From time to time I squeeze it to see if it's gotten mushy and to my amazement, it never did... but I just was too lazy to actually make something with it... I usually just make some butternut squash soup, or gnocchi, but this time I knew I wanted to make raviolis. This was inspired by the numerous ravioli de zucca that I've had when I go out. I love raviolis. They're my absolute favorite type of pasta. So, I started to make this... boy was it a process.


I cut the squash in half lengthwise, and preheated the oven at 400. Washed the squash, and placed them flesh side down for 30 minutes, or until the skin started to burn, and everything was soft. I took it out of the oven, and let it cool a bit before I started to peel it. Meanwhile, in a pan, I heated some butter and placed in a tablespoon or so of minced shallots. Then, I mixed in the squash, and stirred until it looked dry.. and added the various seasonings.

I used pioneer woman's pasta recipe before, so I thought this would work out well. I don't think it did. The pasta was too eggy for my liking, I might actually try a more semolina base pasta dough next time, and really make the dough nice and smooth. I made 6 raviolis.. because I'm still in the experimental phase... aka.. I'm not going to share until I'm ok with the recipe... so yea.. it was alright, pretty tasty, just wrong pasta dough... also.. I may try it one day with a pasta machine.... hand rolling out dough is fun and all.. but just not uniform.. and a little sloppy... oh well live and learn.... next time... hopefully it'll turn out better :)

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