Friday, September 11, 2009

In a few hours... I'll be taking my last final as a UCLA undergrad. : ( It's quite bittersweet. I'll bake whatever I can this weekend, then it's back to P-World I go. I'm going to miss this place, all this freedom, and a kitchen I normally don't have to share. Soon I'll be home, to my real critics who will tell me everything wrong with my cooking. I love constructive criticism, but hopefully I'll have a chance to bake and cook just as much. It'll just be harder because I won't have to buy foods just for me, and try really strange things, plus I just don't feel safe going to the closest grocery stores. Sigh. Must finish studying for this final, this summer went by too quickly, I studied straight for the last 13 weeks... with NO breaks.. no wait.. I've been studying for the past 4 years... and almost every vacation I was on, my books came with me.... Hopefully the next 10 months will go well for me, and it'll only be 10 months when I'll be sitting at home. : ( Time to emotionally prepare myself to say my goodbyes. This honestly was the best 4 years of my life.... but like the lyrics to one of my favorite songs by Nelly Furtado.... All Good Things.... (Come to an End.)

On a happier note. I just got my ef 50mm F/1.8 lens in the mail! Time for some awesome pictures (hopefully)...!!! ( Keychain (I have a good collection of UCLA stuff...this so happens to be my latest purchase hehe) picture taken with that lens.. this is a completely unedited pic... when it was edited it was much better... but why fake it? hope it's as amazing as everyone says it is... such high expectations...) ... Back to my all-nighter on Animal Behavior.... : (

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