Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goodbye for now...

This was the week to not make too much foods, but I kind of did. I didn't eat it, I gave it all away. I have a bunch of pictures, but will not have time to update. I am going on vacation for the next 5 days Miami (South Beach!!,) the keys all the way down to Key West. I remember a dental student told me to take as many vacations as possible on my year off because that was one thing he regretted. Yay, so here is another one.... This will be my last big trip before school. I will probably still go places, but all of those places I've been to many times before. Since school is year round, I won't have as many breaks to take these random trips... something I'm not looking forward to haha. So yea, off on a red eye tonight and will wake up to the sunny.. or cloudy.. or rainy.. beaches of South Beach. I haven't been to a warm beach in like 1.5 years, so this will be fun. Can't wait to finally splash around in the Atlantic Ocean, and see what the East Coast has to offer. This vacation will hopefully be relaxing, for once. Nothing is actually planned, no sights I'm dying to see, or places I need to eat at, I think we will just use our iphones to get through the trip once again. There will be a lot of sun soaking beach side, pool side, shopping, and of course, eating. : ) I'm also excited that it won't just be me and my sister going on this trip, her friend and her sister are coming along as well. The more the merrier right? It's a sisters trip, and should be AWESOME! I always wondered what the hype is about Miami, and will soon figure that out.... adios blog for awhile, again.... until we meet again... I will hopefully be a nice color of brown/red (haha,) and a few pounds heavier :)

What I have done this week:
- Bought really cute cupcake liners and cupcake boxes by Martha Stewart, that were in the clearance section at Macy's! They always have the best stuff at the Macy's by my home, maybe people in my area don't bake as much...or care for cutesy things? ... These colors were an inspiration for the next project...
-My rainy day project: Sewed a vintage inspired full apron (dress like skirt) which was teal print with a cheerful yellow trim, it was my first time sewing a dress thing. It turned out nicely. I actually made my own pattern for this apron haha, thankfully everything fit in the end. I decided to add an extra trim to the bottom of the skirt, so I will have to finish that after I get back. Everything else was completed in 4 hours, from drawing to sewing to wearing...

- Attempted madeleines without a madeleine tray (used a cookie tray,) but found the recipe to be quite dry
the instructions were great, and even got me to get that elusive "hump" on the cookie, but it was quite bland tasting.. sigh. Maybe I will try again with more butter and a real madeleine pan, I used a cookie pan that was kind of similar. These cookies are quite fatty, it's almost like a portable pound cake.

- Very crispy chocolate drizzled oatmeal cookies, used candy melts as the chocolate so that it dried fast and hard.

haha, ok there's my sneak peak of stuff. Bye! :)

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