Friday, May 7, 2010

Hush Little Baby... Don't Say A Word...

Mama's going to buy you a... haha I just googled the lyrics...and I don't know if this will be a lullaby I'd be singing to my kids haha... it's like... be quiet baby.. I will buy you things to reward you for being quiet.. and if those things break, it's ok I will buy you more things... and more and more and more.. until I can't anymore.. and in the end you'll still be sweet. Hm... does anyone else see something wrong with this????

I made 72 red velvet cupcakes last night (4 times what I normally do).... yep... 36 normal size ones and 36 minis... all in one batch. I ended up sifting 5 cups of flour.. a few times... adding in cups of oil... many eggs.. a few cups of milk... AHHHHHH... not to mention beating it with a hand mixer.... it was HUGE. Thankfully, it came out nicely, and didn't flop and become dry. For the frosting, I made a standard cream cheese one with a bit of meringue powder mixed in so the frosting can set a bit and not be so goopy when it is transported.

So this was made for a baby shower (never met the expecting mother, but hope she liked the cupcakes!) I baked the cakes, made the frosting, frosted them, and my sis did the decorations. It was a 2 person show, and took many hours to finish. My sis drove them to WC then had them picked up to be transferred to SF.... whew, hope they make it! I gave some away to my friends, aunt, uncle, cousin, and 2nd cousin.... haha I thought I made enough so that I would have plenty of eat at home, but ended up only having 8 normal size cupcakes leftover ... hahahah... yea... oh well, I still have a ton of frosting left, so I might have to make something else to frost them with!

So here they are. The little nursery of babies, inspired by a project done in Hello, Cupcake, a book I haven't used... because I feel like it didn't live up to its hype :/. The ducks were inspired by the ducky liners I bought at Jo Ann's. I drew half the faces, and did all the duck bills... or well they kind of look like beaks haha.. and my sis did everything else.

We were working up until the deadline so I didn't have much time to take pictures : /

Tucking them in... awwww.. too cute! :) Those were mini Nilla wafers, with fondant pacifier and buttercream eyes, the blankets (heart shape cut outs) and all other decorations were fondant ("Satin Ice" brand... Wilton fondant is harder to work with and tastes weird) The pillow was a marshmallow cut in half.
Sweet dreams :)!An almost completed tree of babies :)
awwww... all sound asleep... all 24 of them haha
now.. let's get ready for the duckies!
they look a bit confused hm?
quack quack quack
or.. maybe you'd want a rattle?

I touched the cricut cake yesterday.... ahhhh introductory offers always sucker me in.. but I can't... now is not the right time : / ... I think I'd rather try to find the perfect deal on the kitchenaid mixer than have a machine that cuts fondant/gumpaste... but first.. must find an apartment! The next few weeks will be devoted to teaching (doubled my load= a lot more prep time!) and apartment hunting on the weekends. I went a few days ago and found nothing : ( . Let's see how many times I have to venture out to the city to find a nice place to call home ..... ahhh 2 more months until school starts!!!!


  1. having you on my google reader and being up at 2am on Friday night means I get to comment promptly! haha! I really like the ducky ones. I personally would feel like a creepy person for eating a baby's head, but that's just me lol! Very cute. Who did you do this for? Are you taking custom orders now??

  2. hahah we're too cool for being up that late on a friday night : P! I wish I had time to roll balls for the eyes or use an edible marker for the ducks, but it was just quicker to pipe them out of frosting... which resulted in some creepy/psycho ducks haha... yea it is weird eating the babies... haha didn't actually eat one! My sis and I did these for her bf's mom's coworker. There was a request for doing a tower of babies... so that's what we did haha... I wish I was taking custom orders! This took so much more time than expected!!!!... so... iono : /

  3. still awesome though! did they pay you? lol. I would totally go the piped route if it looked just as good as rolled eyeballs. I think yours looked great. The ducks were not the creepy ones in my opinion! :D edible babieeesssss
