Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Full Time Dental Student...

I had almost 8 hours of class today....Went from 8am to almost 5pm... I've never had so many hours of class.. ever in my life. I'm going to give myself a schedule... one of which I need to follow. I'm going to turn off my phone.. and just try... (key word: try) to learn and understand.. and practice. I went home for lunch today. Class.. after 5 hours.. gets really really long and tiring. I wanted a nice hot meal.. I wanted some alone time.. cuz well.. I'm constantly surrounded by over 140 people all sitting in the same classroom... look at the same slides... all listening to the same lecture. I had a warm rosemary ham and cheese sandwich, brie and crackers, soda, and chips. I like my alone time. I like my peace and quiet.. I love just resting for a bit before having to go back in and do it all over again...man... this is weird. I knew this would happen... and I could never have prepared... oh well.. just a day in the life of a dental student right? 35 more months.... I will be a doctor of dental surgery. Spiffy.

I love pacific heights.. the weather is beautiful here... it's pretty warm.. surprising and I get hot wearing my business attire. I wish I had more time to enjoy the outdoors... one day I will go to the parks... on a beautiful day... that is... today is totally one of them... ok.. time to study. goodbye blog.... I think I will start a personal blog... so I can remember this incredible journey.

I don't know if I can ever keep up with this adventure in food land.. I may just post pictures of what I baked.... from a box.... I wipe out so easily now.. I have a few solid hours of work left. I must get into the habit of studying.

An update on my kitchen.. all of these things.. I wonder when they will ever be used if the only thing I seem to use these days is the microwave.. and stove/oven..oh well.. it's fully stocked just in case... I have something for anything....

Toodles for now... I have a post that is still in the draft stage... it has food stuff.. I swear.
I did...and I can't believe I made it this far... really....

.. and I remind myself to do this everyday..as I strut out the door in my heels... : )


  1. yes, strut! Alone time is very precious. Good thing you live alone :] And 35 months does not seem like such a long time, does it? At least there is an end point! Did Will leave yet?

  2. MINH ahhh you started! lol and I'm about to end! I still had 9 hours of class yesterday and I'm working on finishing my paper tonight so I can present it tomorrow! EEK! I'm going to come visit and see all your new business casual wear =P
