Friday, March 30, 2012

Simple Teriyaki Salmon

There seemed to be a salmon frenzy every Thursday for the past month at Lucky's. Salmon was selling for 3.99 a pound... I never seen so many people flock to buy salmon ever, and it was hilarious. I even took pictures (I'd say 80% of the people I saw only had salmon in their cart... and it looked like the picture on the left... haha yep 5 packages of salmon per person...) and called people to tell them about the hilarity. People were like vultures just waiting for the next cart of salmon to be rolled out. I'm no expert on what to look for when picking out salmon so I just picked up the smallest package.... and avoided that crazy zone and continued on with my shopping. I haven't bought salmon for the longest time because it is usually too expensive. I used to buy the frozen salmon from Ralph's in LA when it was 5 bucks a package. That was good, but frozen salmon is hard to work with when it's in such a large slab. Mollie's down the street has it for 17 dollars a pound... on sale I think.... for the amount I bought I would have paid almost 50 bucks! I'm sure the fish is probably more fresh, and it's wild.. vs. farm raised... eh. I don't care. If I wanted quality seafood, I'd go out to a restaurant :) $3.99 / lb salmon is good enough for my kitchen!

I have no idea how to cook salmon. I just threw it in a hot pan, skin side down, drizzled a little olive oil on top, and pan fried it for a few minutes. When it started the skin started to stick, I deglazed the pan with a little white wine, then poured over some teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, and sprinkled on some black pepper. I covered it, and reduced the heat to medium. I cooked it until the top was tender to touch, and peeked inside to see if it was cooked. It was. It didn't take long, and the salmon was moist and delicious. Simple! 

I paired this with a iceberg wedge (with ranch dressing and parmesan/ romano cheese) and pasta pan fried with a little oil, garlic salt, and soy sauce <- you got to try this one day, this was the type of pasta dish that I grew up on! This was my lunch on my Monday back from break.... this first week felt like spring break again... just a whole lot of nothing going on in school :( 

What did I do with all the other salmon that I bought? Salmon chowder, tacos, and well... half of it is chilling in my freezer right now! 

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